Calcutta shall one day sway to be Tilottama - Our Views and Who we are

The "City of Furious, Creative Energy", Kolkata, also, is commonly referred to as the city of "Adda" . Such an "adda" paves the way for this initiative. An initiative burning with furious vigour of creative energy. Finding it to my amazement, to introduce our own-selves , I would, however, take the immense pleasure and little pain and hilarious fun to do the same on behalf of my team, that endeavours to stick to continually plunging into both the glorious and horrid nooks and corners of what we can call, despite all odds, "AMAR SOHOR" (my city). 

Now, comes the amusing part,of what we call, " INTRO" . This is the part where I have to write about the brains behind this child, as I would henceforth term them as "Cheler Dol".




 Too big a name, isn't it. Better we all would refer to him as "MONA" . Creative by nature and lazily " lyadhkhor" by attitude , he aspires to be a software engineer in the years to come. Quite a character. Mona , is famous in his circle with his continuous spree of talks generally addressed as "BHAAT BOKA". I am confidently sure that his articles wouldn't have any such impression and would surely take you all through an interesting journey of the city, Ooops! did I forget to mention all this while that he is also an ardent Football Fan with both political and apolitical views on the debated matches in and out of the country! Well lets find out more about him through his articles.



A nick name is required when you have names of similar kind of madness present around you. We preferably call him SONA-the golden boy... No he is not the one from "SONAR KELLA" ! Yes he looks calm and composed but honestly he proves that one shouldnt judge a book by its cover. Extremely lucid, Sona is a student of Electrical Engineering and tries to logically define everything, which many a times turn into hilarious fun. I am sure his fun filled articles would stir waves of laughter in your hearts! Its a pleasure to be in company of such cute beings. Guess his artciles would give us immense fun filled documentaries of our city,



Well, I often loose words describing him. Personally I think he is a space traveller-Oh please don't think what you are thinking! Though a student of Civil Engineering, he doesn't aspire to be the one designing or constructing. A very clean heart is his costliest possession. I am sure that his articles would be filled with honest documentations about our joyful City.

Tapabrata Das


He is the "Kochi"(Youngster) of our "Cheler Dol". A photographer by profession, we would all be happy to see the our views about the City getting a life through his lenses. A very open hearted person with a clear vision of life he is also a lover of pets. I am sure that his illustrations will put more life into all that you would read journeying through this exotic City of Joy!

Hritamitra Guha

And finally, comes the time when I have to say something about myself. Well difficult it is. Professionally an IT professional which I refer to as being a "CYBER COOLIE" I am more keen on creating and experimenting with elements that reflect life!! Woah! Getting complicated huh! Dont bother "Cheler Dol" calls me by ridiculously offensive short names! Lets see what you guys coin me after going through my visions of what i prefer calling "BANGABALA" !

That's Our TEAM ! That's US ! 

We shall try and give you elements to quench your thirst of knowledge about this lovely City of Kolkata . We expect your participation in our endeavour! If you like the contents and our views -


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Happy Reading!!!! 


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